A Thousand Wishes

A quick post today. To take a quick breath and gather my thoughts I walked around the yard this morning. It’s a beautiful sunny cool day. The birds are chirping. There’s a breeze. Such a change from yesterday’s heavy rains. As I was walking around I noticed all the dandelions that have gone to seed. This spring we have lots and lots of dandelions. They don’t bother me. I love the cheerful yellow blooms. Joe on the other hand really doesn’t like them. In fact he bought some stuff for the yard to try and get rid of them but hasn’t put it on yet. I do have to say we have an overabundance of them right now and when they go to seed they aren’t very attractive but I keep telling him they are good for the bees and really, what do they hurt? Then I remembered what Drew said over the weekend. He said, “Mom we are so lucky. Look at all the wishes we get to make. We get to make a thousand wishes!” Why do kids see the bright side of things so often and we as adults just don’t?

I’m off to pick up all the toys in the living room, tidy up, vacuum and start loading up the graduation party stuff. Tomorrow we decorate and Saturday is the big day. Yeah! Oh, yeah, can’t forget the last soccer game of the season this evening. It will be a nice evening to spend outside!

Painting the Day Away


I looked out the window around 8:00 last night and saw this beautiful sky. I braved the cold and wind to run out and snap a picture and it was gone by the time I got back in the house. It’s the simple things that bring joy.

We had another cold, wet, windy day today. A perfect day to stay inside and paint. I managed to get the living room all painted. It took all day and went a lot slower than the dining room. Of course having a six year old in the house today didn’t help! Now I need to get the living room put back together. I ran out of time for that. I’d like to keep on painting but I think I’d better spend tomorrow making sure I have everything ready for graduation and make my grocery list. Then maybe Wednesday I can get back to it.

This is a before picture of the living room. I’m keeping the border. I know wallpaper is out of style but I like this border and I’m not ready to take it down yet. I obviously don’t decorate according to what is in style anyway – nothing in this picture was bought in a big box store or a mall! The pictures were stitched by me and most everything else came from a thrift store, flea market, antique store or online.

And the after picture. I’m really liking it. It’s actually much darker than the picture shows. It makes the room feel cozy and warm. The rest of the walls are a shade called Heartland. A medium shade of tan maybe? Not sure how to describe it but not much different than before. Which made it a little difficult to paint – it was hard sometimes to see where I’d been and where I was going. It’s the same shade as the dining room to tie things together. Funny how a fresh coat of paint makes everything look and feel better – even if it’s there’s not much change in color.


Glad To See Friday

A sweet prim stitch that hangs in my kitchen – words to remember!

What a long week this has been. I’m glad to finally see the weekend. It started out so sad. Such a tragic accident to occur in our community. (See previous post). Joe was out of town from Sunday through Tuesday night. Then Wednesday afternoon he and I headed to Ames to stay the night. His brother had surgery for prostrate cancer yesterday morning. Joe wanted to be there to support Tom so we stayed the night so that we could be at the hospital by 5:30 a.m. The surgery went great and it looks like they were able to get all the cancer. What a blessing. Although the circumstances were not so fun it was nice to spend some one on one time with Joe Wednesday evening then with all of his siblings and some of their spouses yesterday at the hospital. Tom isn’t married but his girlfriend was there too. We enjoyed some reminiscing and I think she enjoyed hearing the siblings talking. They haven’t been dating for very long so I think she got to learn some things about the family throughout the day! She seems like a very nice person and you can see that she cares for Tom.

A springy wreath to welcome us home after a long day away.

It was a long day and so nice when we got home to run over to Dad and Mom’s to pick up Drew (they kept him overnight for us while we were gone) and have a warm, home cooked meal there. Eric headed over too so we got to enjoy more family time there. There’s nothing better than being with family eating a home cooked meal after being gone overnight and eating junk food all day. Family time all day and then family time in the evening. Precious.

A spot of green in a dreary landscape. Spring is here!

I think the weather this week has made everything just a tad harder to deal with. I’m beginning to wonder if we will ever see the sun. It’s been cold, wet, windy, and just downright miserable all week. Looking at the forecast it doesn’t look like things are going to improve anytime soon. But, things are sprouting up out of the ground despite the weather and the grass is getting greener by the day so we do know Spring is here and one of these days I’m sure we’ll be donning those sunglasses and short sleeves. At least we have something to look forward to! Before you know it, everyone will be complaining of it being too hot and these dreary cold days will be long forgotten! So, I’ll just light another candle, keep my slippers on and stay inside as much as I can. Cuddle under a blanket with Drew when he’ll let me and enjoy each day as it comes!

Pierre is getting a little too brave around a burning candle.

Did anybody see Trace Adkins on the Today Show today? I’m glad I was able to tune in. I have always liked Trace Adkins but now that I know his drummer personally – I enjoy seeing him perform live! The drummer, John Richardson, is from my hometown! His mom and my mom are good friends and we spent Saturday morning coffee at each other’s houses when we were growing up. I can still see the play room in their neat old farmhouse – it was so much fun to visit. He and his brother Tom and me and my sister Beth. Nobody deserves the honor of being the drummer for such a well known singer more than Johnny! He’s worked hard and followed his dream and it’s great to see him living it now!

Lots of Tears Today

It’s been a sad day for our little community today. Two brothers, both in high school, ran a stop sign and hit a semi. The semi driver was also from our community. They were quite a few miles away from town, the boys heading to an appointment in a neighboring town when it happened. Tragically, one of the boys and the semi driver was killed. The other boy is in the hospital. This is always a such tragic thing to have happen and in such a small community it affects so many people. The parents of the two boys were both school teachers in our community, the father was also a coach at the high school. They both now work for the AEA. The semi driver had lived his whole life here, raised two children and has grandchildren living here. It is such a sad loss for both families. My Eric called me from the school this morning when he found out and was in tears. It was so hard to not go to the school to just hold him. But they had counselors and the Ministerial Alliance there to help the students and the teachers get through this. The community will rally around both families to help them all through this terrible time. That’s what communities do. We all know God has a plan for these two – we just have to trust in him to see us through this.

One week –

One week after Drew’s surgery. It’s been a long week! He’s bored. So bored. For the most part he’s feeling pretty good but he gets tired and listless at times and just wants to sit and watch his Kindle. He’s been outside a time or two which helps but the past couple of days have been cold and windy so no going outside to play. He spent yesterday morning with Grandpa and Grandma which he thoroughly enjoyed. Lots of one on one attention there! He’s got his fort all decked out with a light, music and books. That has been a big help in keeping him entertained. I can’t wait to take it down though – I’m tired of seeing it in the living room!

Drew wants to do a lot of cuddling with me so while he’s cuddled up beside me I’ve been stitching away. I’ve finished a couple projects, printed off some new patterns, and started on Ann’s Sewing Sampler Tray by Stacy Nash. I need to sew I Carry The Key into a pillow tuck but first I have to dig out some fabric to back it with. I do enjoy stitching. Pulling the thread through the linen and seeing each design come into play. It’s so relaxing and enjoyable. I can’t imagine not doing some kind of handwork almost on a daily basis.

This evening we go to Eric’s Pops Concert. His last Pops Concert. I’ve enjoyed watching him participate in band all these years. Abby and Aaron were both involved in band but neither of them stayed with it all through high school. I loved band when I was young, especially marching band and I’m thankful the kids have all been involved too. There’s a different element to being in band compared to school sports that I think is just as important. Looking forward to tonight and then he will have a Spring Concert and that will be his last. It’s hard to believe he’s getting ready to graduate. Planning the graduation party is not my cup of tea but we’re getting there. We have the venue, most of the menu planned and my niece is making cake balls. It will be a small get together. Mostly family and a few friends. I’ve enlisted Abby to help – she’s a lot better at these things than I am!

Camper Shopping

Joe and I enjoy watching the TV show Going RV.  Not sure why – we are in no way ready to look for a new camper.  I love my camper and have no desire to look for a different one.  We also enjoy going camper shopping and looking at all the different campers out there.  I’m always happy to come home and know that I am content with the one I have!  Joe on the other hand would like to get a smaller one.  I do understand that and someday I know we will downsize but for right now I’m happy with the one we have.  We still have Eric at home and will have Drew for a long time and Aaron still likes to stay with us when he can.  I still need lots of room!  This year Abby and Jeremy bought a camper – which makes me very happy!  We camped with them about three weeks ago and had so much fun.  My sister as an RV.  Now Dad and Mom are seriously thinking of getting one after talking about it on and off the past few years.  That makes me very happy too!  So on Friday we we went with them to Cedar Falls to Camping World and then on to Hiawatha to Ketelson’s to look for campers.  Fun!!!

Drew loved riding the golf cart around the Camping World lot!
Lots and lots and lots of campers!

Camping World is HUGE.  When we bought our camper here a few years ago it was called Fodgall’s.  We had a great experience.  Our salesman was so nice and the place was very welcoming.  Since that time Fogdall’s was bought out by Camping World and boy has it changed.  It’s not necessarily a bad thing – just a whole different experience.  I will say, if you need something for your camper – if you can’t find it at Camping World you may never find it!  We looked at lots of campers here but Dad and Mom  didn’t find exactly what they wanted.  Mom knows what she does and doesn’t want and she’s particular – which is a good thing.  It doesn’t take her long to step into a camper and know if she likes it or not!  We didn’t spend much time in a lot of them because she would know immediately that she didn’t like them.  I was okay with this – it was a very hot day and boy do those campers warm up fast.

After Camping World we headed to Ketelson’s.  A very nice place to shop for campers.  Very friendly and laid back.  They had a beautiful showroom.  I did find a camper I would love to have – and I wish I had taken pictures of it – it was new but was designed in the retro style.  Black and white checkered floor, turquoise cushions on the inside and turquoise and white on the outside, retro inside and out!  It would be the perfect camper if it were just Joe and I but – it’s not just Joe and I and I wouldn’t change that for anything.  Mom did find one camper here she liked but the more she thought about it, the more she thought maybe it wasn’t exactly the right one.  Which is fine – maybe we will get to go camper shopping another day.  There’s lots of camper dealers in the Des Moines area we haven’t checked out!

These two friendly campers were sitting on a bench in the Ketelson showroom. Drew had to have his picture taken with them!

After a hot afternoon of shopping in the heat we stopped at Cheddar’s for supper in Iowa City before heading home.  A nice afternoon spent with my parents.  I hope they do find something they like – how fun would that be – camping with everyone – I can just imagine the memories we would make!

Drew is into having his picture taken all of a sudden. Sitting on a rock outside of the restaurant!
Drew is into having his picture taken all of a sudden. Here he is sitting on a rock outside of the restaurant!


This pic was taken right after getting the squirt of “sleepy water” before Dr. Enloe scared away the cavity bugs! Sounds much better then getting a shot before they drill on your tooth right??!!

All went well at the dentist on Thursday – yeah!  Although Drew decided he doesn’t want to have another tooth filled!  He did not like the way the “sleepy water” made his mouth feel and couldn’t understand why no one else could see how fat his lip was!  He was a trooper though.   When Dr. Enloe asked him what color he wanted for his filling he said red – his favorite color.  Unfortunately they didn’t have red- they had blue, green, orange, purple, pink.  He chose pink.  So – he now has a bright pink filling in his mouth.  I have no idea why he chose pink except that it was the last color they said so maybe that’s the only one he remembered?  Oh well.  He’s fine with it so that’s all that matters.  I’m just glad he was such a good patient for Dr. Enloe.  No tears and all smiles when it was over. Yeah!


Good Morning!

Sunrise this morning – it was beautiful!

Today Eric and I had dentist appointments so off to Ottumwa we went.  I have always enjoyed having alone time in the car with the kids.  It’s the best time for conversation.  They always seem to open up the most when I’m driving and we are alone.  Today we talked about all kinds of things – what is going on in the world, music on the radio, college . . .

Our appointments went well.  No cavities for either of us.  While we were there I asked to make an appointment for Drew as he was due for a check up.  They were able to fit him in while we were there.  Unfortunately he gets to go back on Thursday to have a filling.  His first one.  He does well at his check ups so I’m sure he’ll do fine with this too.  We love our dentist – all of us – he’s very good.  He’s good with Drew – talks to him, explains what is going on, and jokes along the way.  Is it crazy to feel blessed to have found a great dentist??!!