Rainy Thursday

We got rain yesterday- 1 1/2″ to be exact. And we needed it. Things were really starting to get dry in our area again. Others in the area got up to 3″. We are very thankful for every drop of it! It was dark most of the day and there was lots of thunder and lightening. It was raining when I got up at 5:00 this morning and it was still raining at noon. We hadn’t had a rainy day like that in months. It was a perfect day for burning candles.

It was also the perfect day for making a pie, Freezer Peanut Butter Pie. I’m not a peanut butter fan but Joe and Drew love it so I thought this would be perfect for the hot weather that’s supposed to be moving in for the weekend.

It was also a perfect day for running outside between the raindrops and gathering Hollyhock blooms so Drew and I could make dolls out of them.  Mom never grew Hollyhocks but I have always loved them and have planted a few over the years and yet I had never made dolls out of them. So I got on Pinterest to find out how and Drew and I had fun making them. I think they look a little like sweet southern belles! I think everyone should slow down and make a Hollyhock doll once a while. It’s amazing how much joy you can get out of something so simple. I’m not sure what Drew had more fun with though, making the dolls or playing in the rain while I picked the blooms!

Another Little Thing

I took a walk around the yard last night and came across this sweet little nest underneath our two big oaks trees. Along with many other things it looks like the birds used pieces of a horse’s mane and tail to make their little home. I’m guessing the neighbor’s horses kindly shared with the birds! It amazes me how they are able to make something so stable out of little bits of nothing. They are so resourceful. I sure hope the bird who made this little nest was done with it before it fell out of the tree. I think it’ll have a new home on my shelf next to the old doorknob that holds a few pretty bird feathers. At least  for now.

Little Things


This little guys was hanging out in my Hollyhocks. It always amazes me what we can see if we just take the time to slow down and look. He seemed to be enjoying his perch and never moved a muscle. Just watched me take his picture and check out the Hollyhocks that had bloomed while we were away camping. It’s the little things that make me happy!


Oh The Smells!


I keep seeing all these beautiful spring flower pictures all over the internet and I’ve just been so busy I haven’t thought about bringing any flowers in the house. But today, I ran out and picked some lilacs and some lily of the valley. And Drew picked me a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers yesterday while at Belva Deer. My front rooms smell so wonderful!

Rainy Thursday

We got rain! We’ve been so dry here. We were in a drought going into winter and then we didn’t get much moisture throughout the winter. No rain so far this spring and things were not looking good. Our county had just issued a burn ban this week. But then yesterday evening and throughout the night we got rain! And the forecast says we should be getting more today. Thunderstorms and lots of rain. Yeah. My plan for the day is finishing up my typing and then stitching the rest of the day away. I’ve gotten behind on my stitching due to spending all my time outside the last few days so it’s time to get caught up and there’s nothing better than stitching on a rainy day, unless it’s reading a good book of course! (And I’m right in the middle of a good series so I just might have to read a little too!)

Happy Place

After a busy weekend I was ready for a slowed done Monday with an early night. My day started out slow and then mom wanted me to stop by after picking up Drew after school and get some more hosta. Which was fine except I had already planned to stop at the new greenhouse and pick up some flowers and then Drew and I were going to spend the evening planting flowers. It’s supposed to rain the rest of the week so I wanted to get as much planted as I could. We made a quick trip to the greenhouse then out to Mom’s. While there Joe called and said he wanted to take a load of “junk” to Dad and Mom’s. Which meant no planting flowers. Drew and I ran home, pulled out leftovers again for a quick supper then off to Dad and Mom’s. But I never say no to a trip to the timber. The grass is green and the blue bells are just starting to bloom. It’s my happy place – during the winter when we are chopping wood, in the spring to pick the blue bells, during the summer for bonfires and weiner roasts or in the fall when the leaves are falling and more bonfires. It’s my favorite place to be!

A Sunday Visit

We went for an afternoon visit today to see Uncle Jerry and Aunt Konnie. I was thankful I wasn’t driving – I don’t do well in these conditions! It snowed all the way to their place and it was so pretty. I just love the snow! Here’s the highway leading to Rubio, the little tiny almost non-existent town they live just outside of.

And I love gravel roads covered in snow (although this isn’t a whole lot of snow). That bend in the road – it takes you to one of the prettiest places in Iowa! I shared pictures of Uncle Jerry and Aunt Konnie’s place last summer and it’s just as pretty in the winter. The only difference is it was so cold out and I didn’t wear my boots so I only took a few pictures from the truck as we were moving so I didn’t get the best pictures.

Off to the right, a few of Uncle Jerry’s horses with their backs to the wind. Uncle Jerry has always had horses and at one time he raised mules. On past these horses there were goats and llamas. I didn’t get any pictures – next time maybe. Uncle Jerry said he had just bought some new goats yesterday and they were due to give birth at any time. If it had been a warmer day and I had been dressed more appropriately I would have gone out with him to check on the mamas. Baby goats – how sweet. When I was growing up we would have been getting ready for lambing season. I loved the baby lambs!

And to the left I the old farmhouse and barn. Up the road and around the bend and you’re there. The house on the left and the most beautiful view to the right.  A big old farmhouse and room to roam. Lots of memories here and they’re all good. My older kids always enjoyed visiting and now Drew does too. It’s almost like time slows down when I’m visiting Uncle Jerry and Aunt Konnie.


Still Walking

Today was a foggy morning for walking!

Week two of my new walking routine is going strong. Every morning now after dropping Drew off at school a friend and I have been walking – four miles every day to be exact. Last week was rough. I couldn’t believe how stiff and sore I was. This week things are going much better. I’m not near as sore and I don’t get near as winded. It’s nice to spend an hour and a half walking and talking. We talk a lot about God, our families, our grandkids, the ways of the world. It’s good to take this time to exercise and bond with a cherished friend.

Relaxing at Roberts Creek

Our anniversary camping trip went way to fast! It was so nice and relaxing with just the two of us at what we’ve decided is our favorite campground. Robert’s Creek is in Pella by Lake Red Rock, about an hour away from home. We love all the trees and the big secluded sites. It was so nice to sit in the evening around the campfire with the trees all around us and above us. We went for walks, stopped at an antique store I’ve been wanting to visit, visited the meat market and the bakery (twice!) and for the most part just enjoyed each others company at the campground. I got a great start on stitching up baby girl’s Christmas stocking while Joe just relaxed and messed around with the fire. Then Eric texted and said we could come visit him on Sunday if we wanted so that ended the weekend on a good note. We woke up Sunday to rain so we packed up early and headed home. Picked up Dad and Mom and Drew and headed to Iowa City to see Eric. We took him out for an early supper and it was nice to be able to see him and give him a hug!