I’ve spent the past two days getting Eric’s linens all washed up and ready to go for college. A friend of mine recommended checking out the Resident Hall Linens emails I had been getting and brochures I’d been getting. She had ordered from them for her son and another mother she talked to had too. I had been ignoring them thinking they were probably something of a scam. I’m glad I talked to her though because after checking into them I decided they were the way to go.
There are different packages to choose from which worked out great. This package came with two sets of twin XL sheets, a blanket, mattress pad, pillow, two sets of towels, reversible comforter, and foam cover and the sheets and comforter came in the color he requested – black! All at a great price and all in one shot. No running around the stores trying to find everything in the color he wanted and in the right size. That’s one thing to cross off the list anyway. His computer has been ordered and we’re waiting on it to be delivered. Next we do need to go shopping for a “few” more things. We have a TV, microwave and coffee pot he can take but there’s a few more things we’ll have to look for. Thrift stores here we come!