
Life lesson for Drew: The Mule doesn’t work in snow, the 4-wheeler can also get stuck, and Dad doesn’t like to stop what he is doing to help dig you out! After a lot of shoveling and some pulling, Drew now knows how to get things unstuck!

It’s hard to believe February is almost over. It always amazes me how quickly time flies. We decided to do our phenology wheel journaling for February today. It’s fun to see what each of remembers most from the month. We pulled out our nature journals too and went through them to remind us what we observed and what we studied on those days we couldn’t get outside. (Which was most of the February as there was just too much snow and too many cold cold days.) We are starting to really enjoy these phenology wheels now that we have two months filled in. Our nature year all in one picture!

It really hit home today that spring is on its way. Along with a wonderful warmer week, today Drew spied our resident chipmunk out running around. Hibernation must be over! We noticed him last year living around the oak trees and today he was out running all over the cave and around the yard and trees. Drew and Possum would go from one dining room window to the other watching him run around. Drew was entertained and Possum was wanting to eat him. It’s a good thing there was a window between them! And he was a great addition to our nature journals!

Making Paper

We decided to try making paper today. Drew had lots of help from Possum until the blender was turned on. Then Possum high tailed it out of the kitchen! Drew started out gung ho but soon lost interest. That might be because I didn’t know what I was doing and had to try three or four times to get what I thought looked like paper! We have two sheets drying now and hopefully tomorrow we will have some homemade paper to try our hand at watercolor painting on. Next time maybe we’ll try coloring the paper and/or adding some dried flowers. I always enjoys a project that can be done all with items we have here at the house.