
IMG_0827My baby is five – and he is loving it!  He was so excited to spend his birthday evening at Grandpa and Grandma’s for a weiner roast this year.  The weather cooperated for once and we had a great time.  First we walked down to the timber to see if the bluebells were blooming.  I always know spring is here when the bluebell have turned the timber into a beautiful sea of blue!  Then hotdogs over the fire.  The only way I will eat a hotdog – there is just something about cooking on an open fire and being outside that can make almost anything taste good!  Of course lots of ketchup and mustard helps too!

Eric, Joe and Dad relaxing and conversing around the fire.
Eric, Joe and Dad relaxing and conversing around the fire.

And then present time – and Drew’s favorite present – a vacuum cleaner!  He has always been obsessed with vacuum cleaners.  He can spot a vacuum cleaner anywhere – and he loves that he now has his own.  I think he has the cleanest bedroom carpet of anyone, anywhere, right now!


Funny what little ones take an interest in.  His other love is dinosaurs! It was a nice, relaxing evening.  Today we are going to Des Moines to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate on a little bigger scale – with lots more family to help celebrate being five!

The first fire of the season – puts me in the mood for camping!
Drew and his buddy Stubby!
Drew and his buddy Stubby!