I was gathering eggs the other day and I brought in another blue egg. Of course I had to show Joe and he laughed and said, “Those blue eggs make you happy don’t they?” And they do! Acutally, just the act of gathering eggs and talking to the chickens makes me happy. And I get to do it on a daily basis!
Then the other evening, one of those few evenings here lately where we could just sit still and relax, we were outside on the deck Joe built this summer. I had my sewing with me and my glass of Diet Pepsi (a bad addiction I’m working on stopping) sitting beside me on the table Joe built. It was a beautiful evening to be outside. And I realized how content I was. I told Joe how spoiled I felt at that moment. His response was that I was far from spoiled. But at that moment I was happy and I did feel spoiled.
Then when we were camping in Clear Lake I shared some salsa with the group that I had made the week before. Dad and Mom have had an overabundance of tomatoes, onions and green peppers this summer and keep giving them to me so I’ve been making freezer salsa and I now have 31 containers of salsa in the freezer, not to mention how much we’ve already eaten. They keep giving me tomatoes and I haven’t wanted them to go to waste so even if it meant getting up extra early in the morning to make a batch before going somewhere else for the day, I was up chopping tomatoes. And I realized it makes me happy. Being able to share with family and friends something I had made that was not only yummy but full of fresh straight from the garden ingredients makes me happy. Knowing this winter I can bring out this homemade yummy salsa and use it in chili and for tacos or just to eat with chips makes me happy. Just the process of making the salsa makes me happy.
Joe just chuckles when I say my blue eggs make me happy but he knows me and he knows these little things are so important to me. It doesn’t take much to find something around here that makes me happy! And that makes me happy too!
It really is simple things that can bring deep contentment, isn’t it?