Remember Winston the goat? Well, Winston is to blame for Miss Hazel coming to live with us! Not really but he sure didn’t help! Drew has been begging for a goat, long before we camped with Winston, and Uncle Jerry just happens to have goats that he raises to sell. And he just happened to have this little brown one. And it just so happened that he was going to be selling the goats last Wednesday. And he really wanted Drew to have this goat. And then we camped with Winston and guess what? As of a week ago Monday we are now the proud owners of a goat!
Hazel is a Boer goat. There’s a good market for meat goats right now and that is why Uncle Jerry raises them. As you can see – if Drew wanted Hazel, he had to go out amongst the herd and catch her! He did a good job too but she did get away so Uncle Jerry helped out a little. It was good for Drew though to try.
My pictures aren’t the best as Hazel was in the back of the truck and she didn’t want to be be still. She was a little scared after being taken away from her herd and traveling in the back of the truck. Hazel is living at my dad and mom’s right now as we weren’t prepared for a goat. We will have to build her a pen. We know from experience that she likes to escape so we’ll have to be very diligent in our fence making endeavors. But that’s a whole other story to tell! Oh yeah- I’m in love with those ears!
She’s so cute!