I found some McCoy planters at a thrift store in a neighboring town and went shopping here at home to find a few more. My history with houseplants is a little lacking – I have struggled in the past to keep anything alive. Remembering to water them seems to be a problem. I’m hoping that being home now I will be able to remember! Another issue I’ve discovered is Pierre. I’ve caught him chewing on some of these. And digging a couple of them up. Naughty kitty! Now off to find homes for them. And another issue – with two beautiful big old oaks outside I get a lot of shade throughout the day so finding sunny spots will be a challenge.
Potting Plants . . .
We finally got some rain last night – we needed it. Now we are enjoying a hot sticky day. I’m ready for cooler days already. I just don’t enjoy the hot muggy days we’ve been having. Although it’s not so bad outside this afternoon if you’re in the shade. I had some leftover potting soil from earlier this spring and decided to use some of it up by trying some indoor plants. As I was sitting outside on the patio in the shade potting my plants there was a beautiful breeze. It was so nice enjoying the cool breeze, with my hands in the dirt and Drew’s kittens playing at my feet. And being alone – it’s a very unusual day for me. Joe and Eric are at work and Drew is spending the day with my dad and mom. I rarely have time alone at home. I treasure these times but I’m always ready for everyone to come back home. The quiet is nice but I miss the noise and knowing everyone is home.