Trying new ways of doing something doesn’t always work for me. Especially when trying shortcuts. I ran across a way to make beeswax candles by filling the jars with wax pellets and melting them in the oven. I fought the process the whole time and should have known they weren’t going to work. I had to add more pellets as they melted down, consequently they were in the oven double the time suggested. I couldn’t keep the wicks centered no matter how hard I tried. And even though they looked good last night, they had sunk in the center this morning. The only reason I tried this was to eliminate the mess of pouring them. And yet, hindsight, the whole process of melting, pouring, letting them set is what makes the process fun and fulfilling for me. Why would I want to eliminate the mess and bypass the fun? Though far from perfect, they still burn and make the house feel warm and cozy on this damp and chilly November day. And next time I’ll go back to the tried and true, old fashioned process. That usually works the best anyway!