It’s been one of those days. You know it can’t be good when your five year old asks you why you’re so grumpy first thing in the morning when driving him to school. In my defense – he was a bear this morning – I had to jump through hoops to get him up and out the door without being late. Then when I went to pick him up from school – I have to sit for 30 minutes waiting for him to get out – I realized my Kindle hadn’t charged right and was almost dead, I forgot my phone at home, and I didn’t grab my yarn because I had planned to read and not crochet. So I got to sit for 30 minutes doing nothing. Then while making supper I tripled the amount of chili powder I put in the stuffed peppers stuffing and had to start over. Not good on the budget or on my time. Then Drew spilled his glass of milk all over the table and floor. It seemed like everything was against me today. But now, supper is over, the dishes are done. I’m in my jammies and robe, cuddled up with Drew who’s had his bath. Getting ready to work on my blanket because while I was gone picking Drew up from school, my yarn I had been waiting for was delivered. It’s perfect blanket crocheting weather – cold, cold, cold. It was a throw another quilt on the blanket night last night. Now all will be well once Eric gets home from a friend’s house where they are working on their short film for Speech competition. Days like this always end and tomorrow will be a fresh new day!

Thanks for stopping by – Rhonda